St Johns Church, Kenbridge, VA - Yankee lack of respect for Private Property, Steal church Communion, Plunder, Burn Homes, Etc

This historical marker in Kenbridge, Virginia is one of many that comments on the lack of respect Yankee troops had for private property, homes, businesses, and churches during the war. Northern/Yankee troops from distant states even looted and severely vandalized George Washington's own Pohick church near Mt Vernon! At least this church building wasn’t burned down like others in the area. It begs the question, who killed, plundered, and destroyed more American people and towns; British troops sent by King George III or Yankee troops sent by Lincoln?

Excerpt from this marker: Federal raiders "pillaged public and private property. The plundering of St John's Church, from which a silver communion service was taken, especially outraged local residents... The residence of Captain William A Adams was robbed of every light article of value it contained, the furniture broken up, and the house then committed to the flames. We hear many other reports of valuable residences ransacked and burnt… The Federals plundered a set of silver service, for which was paid $5,000 before the war."

Contrast this to how Confederates treated civilians when they entered Yankee territory; Supplies were bought with “certificates [money] being given in all cases. There was no marauding, or indiscriminate plundering, but all such acts were expressly forbidden and prohibited effectually.” – Historical Marker on Maryland/Pensylvania border in Cearfoss, MD.

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Located at map coordinates: (36°57'30.8N 78°07'43.3W)

St John’s Church in Kenbridge, VA - Stolen Silver Historical Marker Database:

Yankee treatment of George Washington’s Pohick church near Mt Vernon Historical Marker Database:


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