Arlington National Cemetery-1st Burials-George Custis-Robert E Lee marries George Washington's Granddaughter, Yankees Confiscate Property

These were the first 2 burials/graves at Arlington National Cemetery and Robert E Lee's in-laws. Father-in-law George Washington Parke Custis happens to be George Washington’s only son (through adoption). When visiting Mt Vernon, visitors are greeted with a statue of George Custis as a child holding George Washington’s hand along with multiple photos of them together. Due to Robert E Lee’s marriage to the only surviving child (Mary Custis Lee) of George Washington’s only son, Lee essentially inherited most of Washington’s remaining estate (including his slaves) and was greatly influenced by him.

Since George Washington only adopted 2 children, approximately half of Washington’s “descendants” today are through the lineage of Robert E Lee. The Washington/Custis-Lee marriage could almost be expected because the families were practically neighbors and Robert E Lee’s father was a friend of Washington and fellow General in the Revolutionary War. Incidentally, Light-Horse Harry Lee (Robert E Lee’s father) gave the Eulogy at George Washington’s funeral service.

These graves stood alone near the Arlington House- Robert E Lee Memorial, for nearly 10 years until the Yankees illegally seized and confiscated the property and turned all the surrounding property into the mass burial ground as it is known today. They Yankee Army intentionally began building a military cemetery on the grounds in an attempt to render the home uninhabitable and prevent Lee from returning. Can you imagine the military doing that today? Robert E Lee had 6 of his 7 children born at the Arlington House (on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery).

The US Park Service describes the Robert E Lee Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery this way:

The Robert E. Lee Memorial honors Lee's military and public leadership in pre- and post-Civil War America. Congress designated the memorial to recognize that “the desire and hope of Robert E. Lee for peace and unity within our Nation has come to pass.” From the portico you can contemplate our nation's fate as you gaze across the river that once divided us.
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Mt Vernon Bio on George Washington Parke Custis: “Best known as the adopted son of George Washington” and father-in-law of Robert E Lee.

Robert E Lee Memorial (Arlington House) at Arlington National Cemetery:

Mary Anna Custis Lee-Find a Grave (co-owner of the prominent Arlington House with Robert E Lee)

George Washington Parke Custis Find-a-Grave:


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