Jefferson Shields, Black Confederate – Lexington, VA

Sharing brief stories of the ignored and forgotten. The following was published in the Nov 1, 1901 issue of the Times Newspaper in Richmond, Virginia about Jeff Shields:

Jefferson (Jeff) Shields is a man of rugged character and is a great favorite among the white people, especially the old-soldier element, for Uncle Jeff counts himself one of the followers of the “Lost Cause.” Uncle Jeff entered the Confederate service as cook [and body servant] with his young master, James K. Edmondson, who became colonel of the 27th Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade.

Later he was cook for General “Stonewall” Jackson, and of this honor he never tires of talking. After General Jackson’s death, he cooked for General J.E.B. Stuart, then for an officers’ mess until the close of the war. He recalls many incidents of General Jackson’s colored Sunday school, taught here in the Presbyterian lecture-room several years previous to the Civil War. Uncle Jeff. was in General Jackson’s class, and he is the only survivor of that class of 19 negroes scholars. He says he is indebted to General Jackson for his early religious training. He is a trustee in the first Baptist Church (colored) of Lexington, of which church he has been a member for 57 years.

Uncle Jeff delights to visit Confederate reunions. He attended the meeting of the Grand Camp of Petersburg last week, and on his return home appeared on the streets decorated with Confederate badges and souvenirs of the trip. At the recent reunion of the survivors of the Stonewall Brigade, held in Staunton. Uncle Jeff was elected a member of the brigade, and was, by vote, authorized to wear one of the Brigade badges.

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Jeff Shields is quoted as saying, "When General Stonewall Jackson prayed, he would say, ‘Remember Jeff.'" Jeff Shields had an amazing record of service as a Private in Company H, 27th Virginia Infantry in the Stonewall Brigade, (Company H , Rockbridge Rifles) and served throughout the entire war, from the very beginning to the end, with this outstanding unit surviving the following battles:

-First Battle of Manassas ( Bull Run)
-Expedition to destroy Dam #5 on the Potomac and wreck the C&O Canal
-First Battle of Kernstown
-Battle of McDowell
-Battle of Front Royal
-First Battle of Winchester
-Battle of Port Republic
-Battle of Gaines’ Mill
-Battle of Malvern Hill
-Battle of Cedar Mountain
-Battle of Groveton (Brawner’s Farm)
-2nd Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)
-Battle of Chantilly
-Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)
-Battle of Fredericksburg
-Battle of Chancellorsville
-Second Battle of Winchester
-Battle of Gettysburg
-Battle of the Wilderness
-Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
-Battle of Cold Harbor
-Battle of Cedar Creek
-Petersburg Siege
-Appomottox Court House

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Jefferson Shields Find-a-Grave:

Jefferson Shields, Former Body Servant and Confederate Veteran, Lexington, VA:

Black Confederates:


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